Hey there, welcome to March!
I'm currently munching on a nectarine, what about you? :)
As usual, monthly round up of some books I've read and (hopefully) enjoyed over the past few months! :)
Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky ★★★★★
I'm trying to imagine what I looked like when I completed this book. Tears streaming down face, hiding in the dark corner of a bedroom in the flat I was staying at in China, perched on the smallest wooden stool and clutching my phone from which I was reading it from. Yup, that sounds pretty realistic. Right after I had a moment of dwelling in my own thoughts, I quickly typed in a super long message to my friend and fellow book lover Annie, and here's what I wrote...
Do you know that feeling after you finish a really really really good book and you're happy because it was amazing but you're sad because you're never going to experience that initial sense of happiness from when you first read it?
That basically summed up my feelings for this book, and I hope to read it again in the future.
Let it Snow by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle ★★★★☆
I received this book as a Christmas present last year, and was super excited to read it. This book is a collection of three stories, each by a different author, however all taking place in the same setting and with connected characters. The first was the usual mushy cute love story, the second was hilarious, involving cheerleaders, waffles and sarcasm, and the third (not quite as great as the first two in my opinion) involved a slightly annoying girl and a tea cup pig, which made up for it.
P.S I Love You by Cecelia Ahern ★★★★☆
Another one of those books where you know it'll be sad and know what to expect, but you're still drowning in tears anyway.
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes ★★★★★
This book was heart warming yet heart breaking. As you watched the worlds of Lou and Will intertwine, you realise that these two seemingly opposites combine to form the most beautiful bond. Warning: This book still leaves you crying waterfalls the size of Mount Everest.
Maybe Someday by Colleen Hoover ★★★★☆
Just a random little comtemporary/chicklit sort of book, but the male main character, Ridge, is deaf. To make it even more interesting, he is incredibly talented in music. Kind of sounds like Beethoven.
Just a random little comtemporary/chicklit sort of book, but the male main character, Ridge, is deaf. To make it even more interesting, he is incredibly talented in music. Kind of sounds like Beethoven.
Before I Die by Jenny Downham ★★★☆☆
To be completely honest, I'm not entirely sure why this book has so many raving reviews. Or more importantly, why this book had so many stamps in the back cover, each dating a borrow of the book from my school library. The dates went all the way back to 2008, the pages were browning and curled at the edges, the cover was old and worn down- you could easily tell that this was a pretty popular book. I liked it, and it definitely ended with a lot of feels where you uncontrollably sob over the tragedies of life. However, I developed a disliking for the main character Tessa. I get that she's going to die, and that she has cancer. I get that she wants to complete a few things before her time runs out. And I get that she'll inevitably have a few emotional moments. But I don't understand why she has to be so hostile and mean to... well, almost everyone. Especially to her family, and to her father. I liked the storyline for this book, but I don't think I would've liked to be Tessa's friend in real life.
♥ ♥ ♥
On an entirely unrelated note, I got a kitten yesterday! Just wanted to mark this occasion so I can remember it :) He (I think it's a he... previous owner didn't know...) is about 2 months old and at first HATED ME but now he's the most adorable thing ever :D ♡ I've never owned a cat before, so I'm super excited to see him grow up ^_^ He's a little black cat, so kind of hard to get good pictures because it just turns out looking like a furry blob of a shadow.
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Something random I learnt off Wikipedia: black cats fur turn orangey-brown in sunlight, which is called 'rusting' which explains why he looks a bit brown xD |
That's it for now,
Lena xx
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